Interactive Content: The future of content

To stand out from the crowd, we need to be more interesting, interactive, and data-driven with our content. We need to provide users with a unique experience. One solution that is becoming more prevalent is interactive content marketing.
What is Interactive Content Marketing?
This is not a revolutionary new format. It’s just a category of content marketing that is currently taking shape, and brands are just beginning to experiment with it.
Think of a survey tool or an infographic. Interactive content is any user experience that has an interactive element and allows the user to participate in the content and discover some useful answers or results. The best examples of this type of content marketing solve problems first and are content marketing campaigns second.
The Benefits
When used successfully, the user can immerse themselves, interact, enjoy the process, and gain insight without feeling guided. It requires discipline and a secondary focus on conversion rate optimisation.
If you’re developing interactive content, it’s best to measure success by total shares or average session time, rather than click-through rate. Keep in mind that it’s not about you, and it’s not about direct lead generation. It’s about providing value to an audience. Good interactive content marketing doesn’t use pop-up requests, aggressive CTAs, or unfair sales.
Combine content and experience
Ebooks, infographics, and blog posts are valuable for educating consumers because they bring a lot of information. When they become interactive, they add something that attracts and engages people: fun.
Interactive content, therefore, combines information and entertainment. Thus, the user feels stimulated to consume that content, which contains stimuli to keep their attention. For example, a quiz requires the person to go through all the questions and get the answer, which may be more difficult in an e-book or a blog article. So the content stops being passive and static to provide a better consumer experience for your audience.
- Increase engagement
Offering an interactive experience to the consumer instead of static content is the way to increase your engagement rates. This is the great benefit of interactive content becoming a solution in marketing.
Content marketing has grown so large that it has saturated consumers with too many stimuli and posts on blogs and social media, often without quality or relevance.
With little room to attract this information-rich consumer, brands need creative ways to capture their attention. Interactive content solves this issue. Passive content makes room for the emergence of interactive formats, which increase engagement time and the level of engagement with the brand.
- Get more feedback from users
Another benefit of interactive content is the ability to receive a rich set of feedback data from users. As noted earlier, passive content doesn’t show whether a consumer has actually consumed a material. For example, you only know how many users have downloaded or navigated to the bottom of a blog page. But it is not known whether they have read the content.
Interactive content, on the other hand, collects data during the consumption of the content. You can identify views, clicks, and interactions with each element of your interactive material, as well as assess exit points.
- Optimise lead generation and conversion rates
Interactive content not only generates more engagement – it also delivers results in lead generation, sales and revenue.
After all, dynamic content with visual appeal provides a richer experience and can spark consumer desire. Moreover, by keeping their attention, this type of content can also guide them on their journey to conversion.
For this, you can rely on tools to create interactive content. Some of these tools offer features to optimise conversions and test applications to determine which work best.
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